Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Prize for Weakness

The Nobel prize now holds about as much value as the Confederate dollar. Obarrassing winning the Nobel peace prize is like me winning a gold in Olympic swimming. I risk drowning every time I brush my teeth, and likewise, Obarrassing's clearly in over his head. This street fair's just too big for him.

So why did he get the award? Because he's not only willing, but eager to bring the United States down to the level of a 3rd world country to gain their favor. He wants to be liked, and if that means ruining our economy, taking away our freedoms, and denigrating all that this country once stood for, so be it.

There's a difference between arrogant and proud. We should be proud of our achievements as a nation; Obarrassing views this as arrogance. We should be confident that we can continue to help the peoples of the world in their quest for freedom; Obarrassing would rather help their oppressors. He's genuflecting to corrupt, ineffective beaurocrats and dictators, and alienating our allies.

Obarrassing vision of peace is rooted in weakness for all. Unfortunately, there are some big kids on the block that will see this as just what it is - cowardice. He's won the prize; now we'll all get to pay the price.

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