Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Now Obarrassing is working to drive more big companys' profits down by taking away any tax havens. Never mind that we already have one of the highest tax burdens for corporations on the planet. Only Japan's is higher. Many industrialized nations are significantly lowering their tax rates on business.

I went to Ireland back in 2000, and the country was having a rough time. I've been back twice since then, and their economy is going gangbusters. Why? In a big way, because they became very tax friendly for companies. Instead of punishing success, they created an environment in which it can actually thrive. This brought global companies knocking on the door, and created massive job opportunities. Go figure.

Obarrassing really should try and let go of his hate, and drop the victim mentality. Taking revenge on the big guys on behalf of his liberal constituency is going to make things worse for all of us. Of course, that's exactly what Obarrassing wants, isn't it?

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