Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Good job, Governor Brewer. It's about time someone showed spine enough to make a stand against this invasion. I hope that your constituents are supporting you. I only wish our governor had the courage to do the same in our state. We're a long, long way from the southern border, but even here we're being overrun by illegals. And just as with anywhere else, if you say anything, you're automatically pegged as a racist with a heart full of hate and dripping with prejudice.

The phrase "illegal alien" has been dropped from the liberocrat vocabulary, and has become synonymous with "potential voter." Where we see a parasite, a liberocrat sees a vote. If these moronic politicians are so determined to win the Mexican vote, then they should go run in Mexico. Of course, they couldn't - they'd be thrown out of the country as illegals, and kicked back to the U.S.

Too bad we don't take our sovereignty as serious as the Mexicans do...

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