Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where will we go?

When your doctor points to his federal healthcare treatment guidelines manual and says "I'm sorry, Ted, but I'm not allowed to authorized any more chemo," where will you go? You won't get the help you need in Canada, or Mexico.

When "cost-cutting" kicks in under Obarrassing's proposed health care plan, it will be in the form of cutting back pay to doctors and hospitals, fewer choices for medications and treatments, "negotiating" lower prices for medications with the drug companies, and in rationing care. Don't think it won't happen here, it's happening everywhere else where there's socialized medicine.

What's worse here is that the sheepification of the American people has rendered us, it seems, unable to look out for our own best interests. By the time everyone glued to American Idol realizes what's happening to their country, it will be too late. We're like frogs being brought to a slow boil.

MAKE SOME NOISE. Call your representatives. E-mail them. Speak out... while you still have the right to do so.

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