Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Fatal Illness

I just received the dreaded public opinion poll call, and the topic was (fanfare, please) health care reform. I did my reluctant duty as a citizen and took the opportunity to answer "very much opposed" to every facet of the Obarrassing plan, but the frustrating part, as it always is with these surveys, was the loaded questions. For instance:

"What income group do you think should have their health care subsidized by the government?"
- Those who make $30,000-$40,000; $40,000 to $50,000, etc. The problem... there was no "None of them" option for me to choose. That's why these polls, when reported out to whomever the client may be, give them the answers they want, no matter what you want. I chose only the lowest income bands, but only because that was the option closest to what my answer would be.

The lies about the number of uninsured go on and on. How many of the phantom uninsured are that way because they don't want to buy the coverage? Right or wrong, perhaps that healthy 25-year old would rather spend the money on a nicer apartment, or save it for a down payment on a first home. How many people out there "can't afford" health insurance, but they're driving $30,000 SUVS, and have 3 flat screen televisions in the house. How many of these uninsured are already here illegally, and are burdening out emergency rooms beyond capacity, and draining our resources?

It's too bad we can't buy insurance to protect us against the real disease that's killing our Constitution - the tumorous growth that our government has become.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Obarrassing's No Fly Zone

Insects around the world are nervously looking over their shoulders (very easy to do with compound eyes) after Obarrassing today declared war on bugs. In a dazzling display of unilateral extermination, our President fearlessly swatted a fly, and was immediately deluged with gushing praise from all corners of the globe. This display of the manly art of war garnered more praise than Reagan's defeat of the Soviet Union, or Bush 41's expulsion of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Rumor has it that ABC will air a 6 hour re-enactment of the tactical coup, broadcast from the bathroom off the Oval Office, this weekend.

We can no longer say that he's accomplished nothing of merit. All hail Obarrasing!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Healthcare's Untimely Demise

Okay, so you're on board with Obarrassing's healthcare plans. Good for you, that's cute. But here's the question you need to ask your elected representatives before it's too late: "Sir or Madam, at what point in the healthcare process will the nice person behind the desk ask me for my political party affiliation?"

Because, you see, unless they give you liberal democrats a different plan than the rest of us will be getting, your healthcare is going to be just as limited and inadequate as that of the Republicans and Independents.

So, if you want any elective surgery, get it done now. If Obarrassing gets his way, only the super-rich and the bureaucrats running the show will be able to get those nose jobs behind the scenes. Something tells me that Congressman Forkbend, from Doorknob, Mississippi will still be able to get the breast augmentation for his "niece," but don't you bother even trying to get that tummy tuck, Poopsie, that's just not in the budget. And if you're 78 years old, and you'd like to get that knee replaced, do it before "they" decide that the return won't be worthwhile. Sure, you might think it's worth it, but "they" may not. Sorry, no knee, hit the road, gramps.

There have been times when I didn't have health insurance, and times when I had to make payments for medical expenses. And yet, I've never gone without care if it was needed, nor have any of my children. There are a ton of people out there right now who "can't afford health insurance," and yet they're driving around brand new SUVs and watching flat screen televisions. And yet, we're told every 2.6 seconds by someone in Washington that the system is "broken."

"Broken" in Obarrassing's world simply means that it's working without him, and that's completely unacceptable.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

David Letterman

Okay, I confess. In my misspent youth, I was a David Letterman fan. When he first started out as a talk-show host, he was actually funny, and had sort of the "underdog" thing going for him. Now, he's a drooling, witless, left-wing wack job. Can you imagine if Rush or Michael Savage, or anyone, were to foolishly refer to Her Most Imperial Highness Michelle's "slutty flight attendant look?" Heads would be exploding on the sets of all the major networks, and mobs of pseudo-journalist-Obama worshipers would be raging through the streets with pitchforks, chanting "Fairness Doctrine, Fairness Doctrine!" Sarah Palin has accomplished more of substance this week than David Letterman has in his lifetime. I think many of these left-wing metrosexuals find her intimidating. We right wingers, we just think she's hot, smart, and eminently more qualified than the Apologizer in Chief.

Friday, June 5, 2009


... seems to be a theme developing. Our Apologist in Chief has now apologized to just about everyone but the Australian aborigines, but I'm sure he'll find something soon about which to beg forgiveness. This "man" is so desperate for acceptance that he's throwing the U.S. under the bus to garner good feelings - not for the U.S., but for himself. If anyone should be apologizing, it's the people who voted for him.